FT WaSender
Company:- FastTreck
Click Here to submit a support ticket for any technical issues. Please note: We do not provide support for installation or usage instructions for this software. Only technical issues are covered. All installation and usage instructions given in this page. Please read all step-by-step carefully. For one-time telephonic support on installation or usage, we charge Rs. 500 for a 15-minute session.
1) Download .Net Framework 4.6.1 runtime setup from Bellow url
2) Download and Install Google Chrome (Ignore if already installed)
Importent Antiban Points Before you use this software .
- Try to use virtual numbers for bulk sending
👉https://www.smspool.net/ - Follow all antiban settings described in userdoc file in documentations folder
- If you account banned
in settings ( button on top right corner ⚒️)
Every time whenever you get blocked - if your WhatsApp account banned Then try after 3 months If you are using new account Then don't use it with software immediately Make spend some time manually with your account, join some groups and do some activities Try to clear your whatsapp local cache and data before adding new number in it
- Register for a new whatsapp account (Virtual Numbers ) on my mobile . Leave it on your mobile for 7 Days without doing anything.
- Come back to your whatsapp account on your Mobile and join manually some whatsapp group and talk with groups members for next 7 days daily at least 1 hour
- Then use WhatsApp warmer for next 7 days daily 1 hour
- After 1 month your number will be strong
- After that , start from 10 messages per day and increase by 10 daily
- while doing this, Purchase new virtual numbers and prepare them same way from Step 1) for your new numbers
- consider that your number will ban any time , may be after sending 50 messages or after sending 1500 messages, its all up to your message and you are spamming or not
How to Run FT WaSender Software?
- Go to 'AppHere' Folder and find 'Setup.exe' Install the SetUp
- After SetUp Installetion, Find 'FT WaSender' on your Desktop
Activate FT WaSender Software?
- After Successful installetion, when you first time open FT WaSender Software, it will ask you sor Activation Like bello image
- To Activate FT WaSender , Copy The "Activation CODE" from this window and Once installed kindly send us your reference key on +91 94 2888 3508 for activation.
Now , Copy received Key, and Paste it into FT WaSender's Activation process dialog's 'Activation Key' Section
- Finally , Click On 'Activate Now' Button.
How to Run Single(Contact) Sender?
Download excel template
Prepare Your excel with Targeted mobile number (without + sign & with country code) and Save it.
Upload Saved Excel file
Type your Message here Then click on START CAMPAIGN
Enter any Name for your CAMPAIGN and click OK
Click on 'Click to initiate' Button
web whatsapp will open in Chrome Browser, Scan QR code from you mobile phone and wait
- Once the status becomes 'Initialised', Click On 'Start' Button
- Now the status of you campaign becames 'Running' and FT WaSender will send your message to targeted mobile numbers one by one Autometicaly
- You can tarack a log and progress
- After Finishing the task you will get Status Report of your campaign
How to Add Caption on image / attachment
First Select any file / image or video
After adding file , Select a file from List and the right click
- Hit 'Add Caption' Button
New Multiline Input Box will Open
You can Add Your Caption with emojies and symbals
Your Caption will appeare here
Run the Campaign
How to Send Message to Groups?
For Group Sender , First you need to Grab your chat list. For that Use 'Chat List Grabber' from tools tab.
Click On Grab Now Buton from this section
Click on 'Click to Initiate' button, Then Scan QR code , same as Instruction Given in Section of 'Single Sender'.
Once Status becomes 'Initialised', Click on 'Start Grabbing' Button. And Wait....
Software will Scan your Chat List (It can take some time, Don't intrupt software or Browser ). and prepare an excel sheet for you
Save this Excel sheet.
Now Open that excel sheet, and Remove carefully Unwanted Chat Names, and Group Names with removing row (Not Delete)
Save this Excel sheet.
Click On Group Sender Tab
Click On 'Upload Excel' Button & Select your same sorted chat names excel sheet
Enter Your Message , And Click on 'Start Campaign' Button
Enter any Name for your CAMPAIGN and click OK
Click on 'Click to initiate' Button
web whatsapp will open in Chrome Browser, Scan QR code from you mobile phone and wait
- Once the status becomes 'Initialised', Click On 'Start' Button
- Now the status of you campaign becames 'Running' and FT WaSender will send your message to targeted Groups one by one Autometicaly
- You can tarack a log and progress
- After Finishing the task you will get Status Report of your campaign
How to resolve SessionNotCreatedError error
Open Google Chrome, Go to 'About Chrome' section
Note the Version of your Google Chrome
Now Click on Below link
https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads -
Find the exact same chrome driver Download Link from opened page . Click on it.
Choose chromedriver_win32.zip
Once Download Complete , Extract the zip file
Now from Your Start Menu Type "FT WaSender" , Find Installed FT WaSender Software Icon , Right CLick on it and Click on 'Open File Location'
Now from Your Start Menu Type "FT WaSender" , Find Installed FT WaSender Software Icon , Right CLick on it and Click on 'Open File Location'
You Can Find shortcut of FT WaSender Software here
Right Click on 'FT WaSender' Shortcut and Click on 'Properties'
Property Window will Open , Now Copy Full Path of 'Wa Sender' Software where it installed from 'Starts in' Section as hilighted below
Now Close this property window.
Then Pres "Window Key " + "R"
Then Pres "Control" + "V"
And Click on "OK" Button
- It will Open a folder where 'Wa Sender' Software installed
- Go back to your downloaded 'chromedriver.exe' file and copy it
- Then come back to FT WaSender folder and Paste the copied file
- It wil ask you for Confirmation, Click on 'Replace' button as shown below
- Now One more steap, Double click on 'Chromedriver' folder in the same directory
- Paste the same copied file here as well
Thats It.
Now Close FT WaSender Software and Open it again.
How to Send 'Dynamic Parameterised Message'
- You can Send Dynamic, Parameterised Messages with very easy options
First, Download sample excel file from FT WaSender
In this sheet, As we normally enter mobile numbers, add MObile Numbers with country code, then add Name if any,
Now here is the key point, Add some extra columns as per your message requirment. The Example is shown in below image
Now Save the file, And Back to FT WaSender, Hit 'UPLOAD EXCEL' button, and choose recently updated excel sheet.
Extra aded columns will added with values, as per excel sheet
Now in the message field, You can use Columns Headers with {{}} as parameter ,
for example, if you want to use 'Name' use {{Name}} (Without Space / Case Sencitive)
Now run the campaign Normally. Result will be like
Useful Tips
Q . How many messages with an image could be sent per minute?
Answer : It Depends on to how many contact you are targeting. Its advisable to increase delay setting as per your contact vastness. Current default delay settings are enough for almost 200 contacts . It takes random delay from the configuration which you provide You can say if you targeting for 200 contacts, it can send 5 to 10 message per minutes
Q . How many WhatsApp messages can I send per day? Will my number be blocked if I sent too many WhatsApp messages?
Answer : The number of messages you can send depends on how old your WhatsApp account is. If you have a new number, start by sending a small number of messages like 50 per day. Gradually increase it by around 5-10% every day and within a month you can reach up to 3000-4000 messages. WhatsApp will ban your number if you send too many spam messages. This happens if a large number of people report you as spam. So always ensure that you don’t spend spam especially from a new number.
Q . What are Anti-Block settings?
Answer : WaSender has a list of settings that can help to send a large number of messages without getting your account blocked.
1: With WaSender , you can send multiple variants of messages in single time. For example, if you are sending messages to 1000+ numbers, you can create around 5 different variants of messages so that your messages remain different.
2: WaSender allows you to import files with variables that can help you to even further distinguish each of your messages. For example, you can import a file with a name & number and use the name to make each message unique.
3: We provide settings like the time between messages and other advanced settings that prevent your account from getting blocked. -
Anti Ban tips
1)We suggest to not use your main personal account (you can use a new account number)
2)Just try to use your new account for few days sending and receiving and after sending bulk from it
3)Send account number (that you want use it to send bulk) as vcard from your personal account with friends and family ask them to save it and to message you on it
4)When you start send bulk from new account start with small bulks
5)Join Open WhatsApp Groups and make some conversation their
6)Try to write message in a way that recipient do not report it as spam (this is the most critical issue with new accounts)
7)Try to use Multi Message and/or Spintax options on the application, which allow you to write same message in different way
8)Add your numbers and your friends number that you usually chat with them and set initiate dialog with them after x amount of messages
9)Give your account more credibility by joining groups
10)Do not send more than 600 messages per hour. Bulk Whatsapp Sender has a unique capping option where you can tell Bulk Whatsapp Sender when to stop sending messages.
11)Send messages only to opt-in users
12) Use randoms and key markers
13) Try to use virtual numbers for bulk sending (sms-man.com)
14) If you account banned
Go to
And delete chromeprofile folder
Every time
Click Here to submit a support ticket for any technical issues. Please note: We do not provide support for installation or usage instructions for this software. Only technical issues are covered. For one-time telephonic support on installation or usage, we charge Rs. 500 for a 15-minute session.